Macau Sessions. Dialogues on Architecture and Society
Book launch

Macau Sessions. Dialogues on Architecture and Society

Tiago Saldanha Quadros in dialogue with Ieong Man Pan

In the book, Macau Sessions. Dialogues on Architecture and Society, the Macau based architect Tiago Saldanha Quadros interviews leading figures in the fields of architecture and urbanism, to examine the key issues and ambitions underscoring Macau’s astonishing dash for growth. What are the costs and where are the blind spots? What is the role-played by Macau in China’s development? Gathered in this volume is a unique collection of interviews by Tiago Saldanha Quadros – with Hendrik Tieben, Thomas Daniell, Mário Duque, Wang Weijen, Diogo Burnay, Jianfei Zhu, Jorge Figueira, Werner Breitung and Pedro Campos Costa. Their contributions map the recent development of Macau, offering a microcosm of the social and cultural changes and generating new knowledge and insight into Macau’s current conditions. What happens to and in Macau matters, because this level of transformation has never before been seen or attempted. And while it has a kind of terrible beauty in its scale and scope, no one is quite sure how it will ultimately impact on the future of Macau’s citizens.

Tiago Saldanha Quadros (b. 1977) serves as Chief curator of architecture at BABEL – Cultural Organization. He holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Lisbon (2006) and a Major Degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto (2001). He is the author of 24 Obras na Vida de uma Exposição: XANGAI 2010 (Edições Afrontamento, 2012). He has been a visiting lecturer and guest critic at the University of Saint Joseph and Macau University of Science and Technology, respectively. His research and teaching interests include topics such as memory, identity, architectural theory, post colonialism and Asian studies. Tiago has been recently awarded with the Institute of European Studies of Macau Academic Research Grant 2020. 

Ieong Man Pan, a photographer whose first solo exhibition was presented by BABEL under the program NEW VISIONS, is the author of the photos in the book.


Tiago Saldanha Quadros & 楊文彬

在“澳門場”一書中,居於澳門的建築師Tiago Saldanha Quadros 採訪了一些建築界和城規界的領導人物,去探討澳門急速發展的主要議題和矛盾,代價是什麼?盲點在哪裡?澳門在中國的發展中擔當什麼角色?本書是一本匯集了由作者專題訪問的結集,受訪者包括有Hendrik Tieben, Thomas Daniell, Mário Duque, 王維仁, Diogo Burnay, Jianfei Zhu, Jorge Figueira, Werner Breitung 和Pedro Campos Costa。他們的貢獻組成了澳門最新的發展面貌,提供了一個社會和文化縮影,亦轉化出新的知識和視野予澳門的現況。這些曾經或正在發生在澳門的改變很重要,因為這程度的轉變在澳門是從未見的。這種規模和程度是可怕又美麗的,因為沒有人可以肯定最終會為澳門市民帶來什麼影響。

Tiago Saldanha Quadros(生於1977年8月)現任巴別塔文化組織的建築理事長。波爾圖大學建築學士,里斯本科技大學建築碩士。曾出版《展覽裡24件作品的生命》(上海,2010)一書。現於澳門聖約瑟大學擔於客席教授,目前他正在準備有關後殖民時期的社會混雜性博士研究報告。
