Babel takes Macau Sessions. Dialogues on Architecture and Society to Shenzhen

The Macau based non-profit organization, Babel, has prepared a talk to discuss its most recent publication titled Macau Sessions. Dialogues on Architecture and Society. The document was launched in Macau last October during MAP 2015 (Macau Architecture Promenade). During the talk to be presented in Shenzhen on 18th of December, Hendrik Tieben (CUHK), Mário Duque, Thomas Daniell (USJ) and Tiago Quadros (USJ) will discuss and examine the key issues and ambitions underscoring Macau’s unprecedented growth, trying to answer the questions: “What are the costs, and the blind spots of Macau’s rampant growth?” and “What is the role of Macau in China’s development?”